
2952-06-26 – Tales from the Service: The Courier’s Vessel 

As we indicated last week, this story is one of the many examples of a private citizen trying and failing to outwit a government agency. Unfortunately, the reverse is usually the outcome of such attempts, save for in situations where the attempter has extensive knowledge of the workings of that department. 

Though most people associate the Alien Sapience Welfare Authority with managing the resident xenos aboard human habitats, this bureau actually has purview over a number of human-xeno interactions, and is theoretically tasked also with ensuring that xeno-crewed vessels respect and are respected by the Law of the Spacelanes. Though this responsibility is rarely employed, they seem to relish the opportunity when it arises. 

Director Ris Bleier and his compatriots were just finishing up the port controller paperwork for a private starship requisition when a commotion in the hall made most of the people in the briefing-room look up. Ris, knowing what the noise was all about, merely raised a hand and waved. “Let her in.” 

A moment later, the door opened, and a short, wiry woman stormed in, with two of the controller’s security men following close behind. The holster at her hip hung empty; she would have had to surrender her weapons to enter the port authority annex. “I demand you release my ship this instant. This is an illegal-” 

“Captain Bermudez, if you would care to learn just one thing about government bureaus...” Ris stood and extended his hands to either side to indicate Controller Vasilou and the dozen-odd other government officials in the room, smiling broadly. “It’s that we are very careful not to do anything illegal. You will find I am on very firm ground.” 

“Stealing my ship is legal now? What is this, the damned Hegemony?” Elenor Bermudez, who had gone to great lengths to avoid introducing herself on their last meeting, was trembling with rage. 

“We are not confiscating your ship.” Ris shrugged. “We are merely requisitioning it to handle urgent business that I was only just made aware of. I do apologize for the inconvenience, but my department will compensate you for your lost time and revenues.” 

“Please, Miss.” Controller Vasilou stepped between Ris and the spacer. “The possibility of such a situation is no secret at this or any port in a conflict zone. You were informed as soon as the request was formalized.” 

Bermudez glanced between Ris and the Port Controller. “I won’t hand over the codes. Toss me in the brig, and we’ll sort this out in front of the magistrates tomorrow.” 

Ris smiled again. “You will find that our judicial apparatus here on The Sprawl is quite backlogged. It may be a week or more before a Magistrate can look over our paperwork, and by that time I will have gotten clearance to overwrite your ship’s computer core and proceed.” 

“A... A week.” Bermudez’s eyes narrowed. “Is that what this is about? Insurance?” 

“If you wish to look at it that way, I cannot stop you.” Ris picked up the slate he’d been working on and tapped his way through the next few items on the form. "I am unfortunately legally required to ask you if you would like to accompany the vessel on this errand." He raised one eyebrow. 

“What?” Bermudez took a half step back. “Damn, if that’s an option, yes I’m going. No way I’m letting you government boys plunder my cabin.” 

“What do you take me for, one of those brigands from the Revenue Agency?” Ris tapped the Alien Sapience Welfare Authority badge on his chest. “ASWA has no need of or interest in your belongings.” He tapped the slate again with a flourish. “Mr. Vasilou, I am finished here. Do you have any more forms for me?” 

“Only departure clearance forms.” Vasilou stepped back. “You can complete those once you’re aboard.” He waved to his men flanking Bermudez. “Take her to her ship and put her aboard.” 

The two guards strode forward, and one put his hand on Bermudez’s shoulder. She shrugged off his touch like an insult, and turned on her heel. “This isn’t over, Bleier.” 

Ris watched her go in silence. When the door closed behind her, several people quietly returned to temporarily forgotten tasks. 

“I suppose you won’t be telling me what this is all about, Director?” Vasilou sighed. 

“When I get back, I’ll send you a copy of my report.” Ris dropped his shoulders. “I only hope it will be a brief read.”